If you are lodging your own quarterly business activity statement (BAS) you need to lodge and pay by the 28th of July. When you lodge using our registered agent electronic services you will have until the 25th of August to lodge and pay.
Checking the figures at each of the BAS reporting labels means your statements are more likely to be accurate and less likely to need GST or PAYGW adjustments at the end of the financial year. This results in you having a more accurate picture of your liabilities throughout the year and being able to plan accordingly.
Would you like more time to prepare and lodge your BAS? If you lodge using our registered tax agent electronic services you will have until the 25th of August to lodge and pay.
Talk to us to assist you with preparing your activity statement or reviewing your business accounting systems and processes to make it easy, accurate and efficient. Find out what other services we provide to help your business run smoother.