Having a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) gives you control and flexibility over how you make investments and prepare for retirement.
It’s important to get your deductions and record keeping correct for the SMSF audit process and the tax return, as there are strict laws governing SMSFs.
An SMSF must be set up as a trust and must also have a legal document called a trust deed. A super fund trust is set up for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits to its beneficiaries. The trust deed governs how the fund is set up and how it will operate and must be used in conjunction with the superannuation laws.
There are many different investment strategies for SMSFs according to the fund’s trust deed and operations.
Deductible expenses for SMSFs vary according to the nature of investments and the trust deed, however there are some general expenses that apply to most funds.
The rules for tax deductibility for SMSFs are different to those for individuals and business. Many people are used to claiming deductions for certain things in business or property investment and find they don’t apply to SMSF tax returns. We can help clarify what’s deductible and what’s not.
Expenses must relate to the sole purpose of the super fund being to provide retirement benefits to its members. There may be some items you want to query with us for the audit and tax return to see if they meet the sole purpose test, such as investment training courses, collectibles and artwork, travel expenses or personal computers.
Once the formal audit of the SMSF has been completed, the annual return must be lodged with the ATO. The annual return is not only a tax return but also reports regulatory information and member contributions. You must keep all records relevant to the annual return.
SMSF management can be time consuming. We can help with researching and managing investments, checking trust deed compliance, setting investment strategies, keeping records and conducting the audit. Talk to us now and get ahead for your next annual SMSF return.