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Record keeping

Posted 26 Jul '24

Common Myths and Facts:

1. Bank Statements:
Bank or credit card statements alone usually aren't enough to support work-related         expense claims. You need written proof (typically a receipt) showing the supplier, cost, purchase date, date the receipt was issued, and the nature of the goods or services claimed.

2. Claims Over $300:
If you are claiming more than $300 in work-related expenses, you must have written evidence for all those claims. If the total is $300 or less, they don't need receipts, but they must show you spent the money and how you calculated the claimed amount.

3. No Automatic Deductions:
Some expenses, like laundry, don't require receipts, but you still need some record. For any work-related expense, you must follow these three rules:

  • Show private and work-related use (e.g., a diary)
  • Explain how you calculated the deduction amount.

4. Helping You Keep Proper Records

By following this simple guideline, you can ensure you have the necessary records to support your deductions to save on tax.

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